

我院2018级经济学专业在校本科生何小龙第一作者)与王朝一成都大学)、杨晓维北京师范大学)、赖周静西华大学、通讯作者)合作撰写的论文“Do enterprise ownership structures affect financial performance in China’s power and gas industries?”SSCI三区期刊Utilities Policy上发表。该刊由ELSEVIER出版社出版,五年影响因子3.223,在125部入选SSCIEnvironmental Studies类期刊中排名72位。


Analyzing state-owned and private enterprise performance can inform enterprise reform, guide structural adjustments, and promote sustainable development. This study established an entropy-TOPSIS-GRA evaluation model to assess four financial performance indicators, including solvency, operational capability, profitability, and development capacity, of listed Chinese state-owned and private enterprises in the power and gas industry from 2008 to 2018. The results indicate no distinct financial performance differences between the two enterprise types, refuting the traditional view that state-owned enterprise performance is lower than private enterprises.


Xiaolong Hea, Chaoyi Wangb, Xiaowei Yangcand Zhoujing Laia*Do enterprise ownership structures affect financial performance in China’s power and gas industries? Utilities Policy 73 (2021) 101303

